Google Chrome Tips 1

Mar 19, 2021 | Tools & Tech.

waxan kaga hadlay muuqaalkan 7 xeelad oo kuu fududeyn kartaa isticmaalkaaga browserka google chrome, xagan hoose ka dooro mawduuca aad rabto:

0:00​ Hordhac.
0:37​ Tab Grouping. – Kooxeynta Daaqadaha.
2:34​ Tab Pinning – Dhajinta daaqadaha
3:00​ Media Control – Maamulidda Codadka.
4:03​ Moving Multiple Tabs – Dhaqaajinta Daaqadaha badan
4:55​ Chrome Task Manager – Howl maamulaha chrome
6:00​ Chrome URLs – mareegaha chrome
7:18​ Fast Search – Baarista degdegga ah.

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