Microsoft Word 3

Oct 12, 2020 | Tools & Tech.

qormooyinka hoosta aad ayay muhiim u yihiin, waxyaaba badanna wa loo isticmaala, Hoos ka dooro

0:00​ – Hordhac.
2:36​ – Sidee u sameyn kartaa qormooyinka hoose.
6:44​ – Xeelad yar.
7:36​ – Mushkilada la xiriira mawduuca.
8:10​ – Sidee Qaws/Brackets ugalin kartaa numberada.
10:35​ – Mushkiladda Lineka iyo sidaa loo xaliyo.
13:19​ – Mushkiladda Tixanka Numberada.
14:45​ – Habeynta Hab-qoraalka qormada hoose.
15:40​ – Xiritaanka Muuqaalka.

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